
Land Referencing BOOTCAMP

Choose the area of land referencing that you would like to focus on … or contact me with a specific area of your own!


Inducting new Team Members


How to Explain Key Concepts to your Team


Practical Skills & Data Collection


Legal and Regulatory Frameworks


Project Management in Land Referencing

Inducting New Team Members

Make sure that your newest team members are properly welcomed and inducted into your land referencing team.

Explain Key Concepts

Learn how to explain some of the key concepts of land referencing to stakeholders outside your team.

Practical Skills and Data Collection

How do you do what you do? What tasks are required for optimum data collection?  And why? Be confident as you lead.



As the name suggests, Bootcamp sessions are designed to double-down and allow you to focus on one area alone.  This will allow your skills to sky-rocket from manageable to heroic!

The topic to focus on can be one of the most often requested, as listed above, or it could be just an area of land referencing that you want to focus on.  

Perhaps you have a new client and you need to focus on a particularly challenging aspect of the project.  With your specific  knowledge of the nuances involved, I can design a BootCamp to reflect your needs.

Just reach out to let me know what you need.


Whether you’re looking to enroll in one of our online courses, seeking consultancy services, or have questions about how we can support your career or organizational goals, we’re here to help.


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